/Private businesses

AMY Engenharia e Empreendimentos S/C Ltda.
BKO Engineering and Com. Ltd
Property Exchange Real Estate Development
Brasfanta Industria e Comercio Ltda
Bueno Netto Real Estate Developments
Camargo Corrêa Real Estate Development
Club Athletico Paulistano
Sao Paulo Country Club
Visconde de Porto Seguro College
Concept Construtora e Participações Ltda
Rocaleste Consortium
Construarc SA Constructions
Construtecnica Engenharia Ltda.
Construtora Augusto Velloso SA
Construtora Yazigi Ltda.
Cury Empreendimentos Imobiliários Ltda.
Cyrela Brasil Realty
Engeform Construcoes e Comércio Ltda.
Enplant Engineering Ltd.
Escola Viva: Arte Expressão e Educação Infantil Ltda.
Espaço Negócios Imobiliários Ltda.
Etoile Real Estate Development
Even Construtora e Incorporadora Ltda.
Exto Incorporações e Empreendimentos
Gafisa S/A
Pão de Açúcar Group
Habitacon Construction and Developer
Halna Comercio e Empreendimentos Ltda.
Hoechst do Brasil SA
IBM Brasil Ltda
Igaras Papéis e Embalagens Ltda.
Campinas Baptist Church
Iguatemi Company of Shopping Centers SA
Itaguaré Incorporadora Ltda. and others
Jones Lang LaSalle

Jorge's Imóveis e Administração Ltda.
JSL logistics
Labat Construtora e Incorporadora Ltda.
Lucio Engenharia
Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliários SA
Munir Abbud Enterprises
Nestle Brasil Ltda
OAS Engenharia e Participações Ltda.
Odebrecht Empreendimentos Imobiliários SA
Praia Grande Construtora Ltda.
Prosperitas Investimentos SA
Queiroz Galvao
Rational Engineering
RFM Construtora Ltda.
Ricci Associados Engenharia e Comércio Ltda.
Rofer Administration and Construction Ltd.
Sanca Engenharia Ltda
Sandria Projects and Constructions SA
Sao Carlos Empreendimentos e Participacoes SA
São José Construcoes e Comércio Ltda.
Sao Paulo Alpargatas SA
SDI Real Estate Development
SESI - Industry Social Service
Siderúrgica JL Aliperti SA
Sispar Empreendimentos Imobiliários SA
Under Construtora SA
Stan Real Estate Development
Pão de Açúcar supermarkets
Tecnicorp Engenharia e Construcoes Ltda.
Tecnum & Corporate Empreendimentos
Tishman Speyer Method
Triunfo Real Estate Ltd.
Trump Reality by Brazil Empreendimentos
Bandeirantes TV
Sao Paulo World Trade Center
WTorre Empreendimentos Imobiliários SA
Yuny Developer
SKN Developer

/Federal Bodies

Central Bank of Brazil
Ministry of Education and Culture – “MEC”
Federal Data Processing Service – “SERPRO”

/State Bodies

CDHU – Development Company
Housing and Urban Development of the State of São Paulo
CEESP-Caixa Econômica of the State of São Paulo
Brazilian Center for School Buildings and Equipment – ​​“CEBRACE”
COHAB- Housing Company
Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista – “COSIPA”
DER - Department of Highways of the State of São Paulo
SABESP - Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo
Secretary of Energy, Water Resources and Sanitation of the State of São Paulo

Secretary of State for Culture, Science and Technology
Secretary of State for Youth Sports and Leisure
Secretary of Special Public Services, Espírito Santo
Secretary of Transport and Works of the State of Santa Catarina
SENAC - National Service of Commercial Apprenticeship of São Paulo
TELESP -Telecommunications of Sao Paulo SA
“CONESP” – Construction Company
Schoolchildren in the State of São Paulo

/Municipal Bodies

São Paulo Gas Company – “COMGÁS”
São Paulo Metropolitan Company – “METRÔ”
General Planning Coordination - "COGEP"
Municipal Urbanization Company – “EMURB”
Municipality of Osasco
Municipality of Porto Alegre

City Hall of Presidente Prudente
City Hall of the Municipality of São Paulo
City Hall of Maringá
Progress of São Bernardo do Campo – “PROSBC”
Sé Regional Sub-Prefecture
Court of Auditors of the Municipality of São Paulo